How To Promote Your Food Blog And Boost Traffic: 10 Keys To Success

While you might wish to focus on making great food and sharing recipes with people, you will benefit from promotion. Using specific techniques to build traffic means that you will be able to reach more people and share your food messages and recipes with more of the world.

We agree that you should focus on the food and its quality, but it doesn’t hurt to yell into a megaphone now and then, especially when it is for a good cause like an excellent food blog.

We have identified 10 keys to successful blog promotion for food bloggers. Let’s dive in.

Be specific

Trying to do everything for everyone gets tiring pretty quickly. It also leads to spreading yourself so thinly that you end up not satisfying anyone, least of all yourself. Better advice is to find your niche.

When you have identified the core values of your blog, the kind of food that interests you, and the exact people for whom you are creating the blog, you can avoid unnecessary competition and it will be easier for your blog to stand out.

Having a niche blog makes it easier for more of the right people to find you. You will not only boost your traffic, but you will get better quality traffic, which can lead to more conversions and engagement and good things for you and your food blog.


Use social media

Use several different platforms and play to their strengths. You are going to want to be on the visual platforms, so Pinterest and Instagram are musts. Facebook is great for getting shares and generating buzz.

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Also consider other avenues, such as Medium, which might be a good place to talk about food more generally — rather than individual recipes, for example — and build your reputation as an authority. Answering questions on Quora is also a good way to demonstrate your expertise and promote your blog.


Be consistent

Look at how often to post on the social media platforms you will target. Optimum posting times and frequencies will vary. Create schedules and stick to them. People will get used to you posting content at a certain time, like a TV or radio schedule.

Being consistent will help keep your brand in their minds and make them look forward to your posts.


Be yourself

One of the best ways to develop a unique voice that attracts visitors is to be authentic. Use your unique voice. Write about things that interest you. Be honest about your approach to food.

Being yourself also means generating original content. Don’t copy.

With consistent posting, expertise, and fearlessly going your own way, you can become an authoritative voice that people listen to, not necessarily because they agree with you but because you are not blindly agreeing with everyone else.


Remember that it doesn’t happen overnight

A content strategy is typically a long-term investment. Boosting traffic can happen quickly, such as if you hit a viral article because the timing and content are right, or if a Google algorithm update favors your way of doing things.

Bear in mind that growing traffic is typically a longer-term affair. Appreciate that building steady traffic takes time.


Use SEO techniques

The quality and regularity of your content determine how much traffic you get. However, many other factors have less to do with the quality of your food but nonetheless affect the visibility of your page in search engine results pages (SERPs), especially Google’s.

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As well as creating human-centric content for people to enjoy, SEO includes technical considerations, such as:

  • Having clear, consistent navigation
  • Using meta tags for descriptions
  • Limiting image sizes to optimize page loading speeds

Work with potential business partners

Doing a guest spot on an influential blog or having a well-known food blogger appear on your website can help provide a boost in traffic. It can help you attract new visitors and give you a bit of kudos.

Partnerships might also exist in other arenas, such as teaming up with event organizers or sellers of kitchenware.

Whatever kind of complimentary arrangement you work out, choose your partners wisely. You need to work with someone who is professional and reliable, as well as someone who has the figures to make a partnership make business sense.

Use Leadar to find businesses that could be a great fit for your business and your marketing needs. It is an excellent source of vetted, reputable professional contacts. It is also useful for building verifiable marketing lists that can help you network and sell.


Invest time in promotion

Note that however long you spend on creating content, you should probably be spending as long again promoting it.

Promoting your food blog means engaging with comments and actively telling people about your latest, greatest posts. Note that posting the same message on various social media outlets is a no-no. Tailor your promotional material to suit the style of the people who use each platform.

Make sure your site is listed in related directories on the web, too, such as Food Bloggers and Jager Foods, as well as niche directories that match the category of the food you create.


Use paid advertising

Paying for advertising with the likes of Google and Facebook is not dirty. It is an increasingly important tactic to ensure content gets the visibility and traction it deserves.

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Once you have people visiting your site and recommending your blog posts, organic traffic can build, potentially exponentially. But to get the ball rolling, at the very least, paid ads can help you get your brand in front of the people who can benefit from it.

With paid ads on Facebook, you can target precise demographics, targeting leads by their interests, location, age, gender, and many other useful characteristics.

Facebook, Google, and other sites that will serve your ads also provide detailed statistics to help you see what is working, how much you are spending, and how to reach more people cost-effectively.

These benefits make paying for ads an almost essential component of a marketing campaign intended to promote your food blog and boost traffic.


Keep up the quality

Creating content on a schedule can be a lot of pressure. However, it is critical to maintain the quality of your posts. All the marketing advice in the world won’t help you if your posts feature bland food, unoriginal ideas, and terrible imagery.

Promoting your blog is hard work. Make it worthwhile by committing to create content (and recipes and meals) that make you proud.


Don’t lose sight of why you got into food blogging in the first place. You most likely have a strong creative side and somewhere in there will be a love of food and meal preparation.

Sharing your passion via food blogs gives people inspiration and can help them eat healthily, on a budget, quickly, or all of the above. Help your blog posts move more people by making the most of these keys to food blog promotion success.